Why Big Businesses SUCK

I am truly starting to get annoyed with the marketing, advertising, and management of big companies. Simply put, when a business gets too big for its own good, that is when it begins to lose its touch. Soon it is not about the customer or pushing into new ground but sitting in the status quo and making the execs/board/stockholders fat and happy.…

Break Your Comfort Zone

One thing I’ve realized by being here in Taiwan is I am completely out of my comfort zone. By at least 7300 miles!

If you don’t already know, I am going to be in Taiwan for the next 11 months. I am there in association with the Taiwan government, HTC, and IBLP teaching English in the public schools.…

You Don’t Care

I think I finally figured out what’s been nagging me for these past couple years. Trust me, the truth hurts but it needs to be said.

“You Don’t Care.”

There, I said it. Now for the evidence:

Fact 1: You Don’t Take Action

Fact 2: You Want Everything for Free

Fact 3: You “Pirate” Your Own Copy

Fact 4: You Don’t Leave Comments

Fact 5: You Don’t Share

Fact 6: You Hoard Mountains of Junk

Fact 7: You’re Not Thankful

Fact 8: You Don’t Support Your Artist/Rockstar/Guru

That is alot of evidence stacked against you, what’s your response?

Taking A Page Out Of Life’s Book

After taking a brief hiatus from my blog, podcast, twitter, facebook, and everything else online, I’ve come to several conclusions.

First one is I need to schedule and take a break more often from my online world. At least a week or two each year so that I can refocus everything and solidify my thoughts.…

Important Announcement

There have been some massive changes in my life to warrant a complete change of how I do things online.

I am currently in TESOL training in Oklahoma City because I will be leaving in about a month. I will be moving to Taiwan for a year with my sister to teach English in the schools.…

#108: Its all about Mindset, Stop wasting Marketing dollars, and Geekbrief.tv’s Last Show

2 weeks already?! Wow, time flies.

Finances: Its all about Mindset

Some Takeaway Notes…

What can I leverage?
Scarcity vs. Abundance

Business: Stop wasting Marketing dollars

Some Takeaway Notes…

Which works better, shotgun or rifle?

The traditional way of marketing is broken.…