I started this blog in April 2006 after attending the Effective Communications Conference through IBLP in March of that same year. The Effective Communications Conference basically taught me how to communicate effectively, as well as the many mediums in which to do so. A speaker by the name of Ken Pierpont talked about blogging and podcasting during the final keynote, and it got me thinking. I decided to go with my name and blog about the things in my life, rather than be anonymous or subjected to a single topic. I bought the domain name and hosting and launched it on my spiritual birthday. Here is the first post and movie I ever posted.
I was happy in my little world of blogging, looking at Yaro Starak’s tips as well as getting a larger understanding of the new media revolution, when something happened. I ran across my first podcast by Dave Jackson, “The School of Podcasting Morning Announcements”. I very quickly started broadening the podcasts I listened to through my own research and Dave’s tips. Soon after, I was hooking up with some of the big names in podcasting; Paul Colligan, Gary Leland, Leesa Barnes, Rob Walch, Jason Van Orden, Penny Hayes, Todd Cochrane, Tim and Emile Bourquin, Clinton Alvord, Cali Lewis, Boagworld, and many others. I started consuming their shows and decided I would start my own.
I had it planned on August 1 that the first episode would go out, but a couple issues made me push it forward a week. I thought long and hard what I would talk about, what it would be called and such, and happened to run across this article talking about Donald Trump having a podcast where he had a business tip, commented on a real life event, and upcoming plans. I decided to follow in like form. I loved three topics in particular at that point in my life; Finances, Business, and Technology, and decided to use them. I also coined the phrase “3-in-1 podcast” in the process. On August 8, 2006, I fired up my headset mic and recorded my first episode. I already knew from listening to the experts all the behind the scenes work on recording, producing, and promoting your podcast. I followed the advice that was given and started the manual task of making sure my podcast was in every blog/podcast directory available. It took me roughly 6 months to get it all said and done, and by that time I had a pretty good handle on my podcast. I almost got Trump on the show! That’s when the Fun began…
I regularly frequented the RichDad.com Forums, and just so happened to run across someone looking for help teaching a JA class to some kids at their school in Arizona. I responded by giving him some tips as well as wanting to know how things went afterward. Things went very well, but little did I know behind the scenes that he talked with the JA chapter down in AZ about my podcast that he happened to listen to. That resulted in them contacting the Wisconsin JA chapter here where I live, which in turn resulted in a phone call and an interview for their JA Newsletter. That’s when my name started moving around….
Soon thereafter, Leesa Barnes contacted me directly. She had been referred to my site, read the content, and liked what she saw. She wanted to interview me for the book she was writing, “Podcasting for Profit”. I gladly accepted. During that time period, I also started connecting with more people prominent in the Internet Realm. I ran across Jeff Mills site, interviewed him for my podcast, and became good friends with him. I also started forming relationships with fellow bloggers such as Comedy4Cast, Barely Podcasting, Today in Podcasting, Startup BizCast, SmallBizPod, Managing the Gray, The WordPress Podcast, etc.
I started accepting sponsorships of my podcast in December 2006 with E-Web Computers sponsoring the first one. After that followed GoDaddy, GoToMyPC, and GoToMeeting.
In 2008 I went through some dramatic changes in my life and the life of my blog/podcast. I also celebrated my two year anniversary of my little internet empire. Shortly thereafter I headed to Las Vegas for the New Media Expo. I had an absolute blast! The people I met and the things I saw really impressed me, Gary Vaynerchuk in particular. If only I had recorded all the conversations and people I talked to, I had such a good time there. It’s too good for words to explain it all, you HAVE to be there to see it. While I was there, I finally met Paul Colligan, Leesa Barnes, Geoff Smith, Barely, and many others face to face for the first time.
In Fall of 2009 I attended Verity Institute to attain a Bachelors Degree in Communications. Verity is an accelerated college, so I can earn a traditional four year degree in two years. God put those plans on hold about a year into the program. He led me to become involved with IBLP Taiwan.
The Fall of 2010 to July of 2011 found me in Taiwan teaching English in the public schools. I was teaching alongside Taiwanese co-teachers and quite literally in the mass of the Taiwanese culture, far from the tourist spots. I learned alot and would not trade the experience for anything else in the world. While I was there I also started a daily vlog on YouTube to start documenting my life story. Taiwan holds a special place in my heart, it touched it in a way to open my eyes to the world itself.
What happened between 2011 and 2016? Read all about it here: My Life So Far
I see what needs to be done and am pushing onward into the midst; building up businesses, helping people, and enjoying life to the fullest. God knows what He is doing and I will trust His ultimate plan and enjoy the journey.
-Taylor Marek
I’m living what I love to do,
loving what I have,
and crushing it to the utmost.
This is My Passion.
This is My Fantasy.
This is My Story.
This is My Life.