This is what I am currently doing online:
This is my main channel on YouTube where I post weekly videos. I have videos on social media, mainly, but I also like to REDO popular movie/game trailers and create improv comedy sketches.
Since January 1, 2011 I have been sharing my daily life on YouTube. I have a following whom I call “Fellow Conspirators” and I cover daily internet memes and family friendly viral videos.
This is my gaming channel. On it are the latest games I’ve played or am currently playing. Games include Call of Duty 4, Batman: Arkham City, Minecraft, Terraria, and many more. I post three 10min videos every weekday (Monday-Friday).
Once my virtual tech baby, this site has matured quite rapidly to where it doesn’t need me to be present if I choose not to be. It is a tech news site geared for the geek and non-techie people alike. It fills the void with interesting byte-sized tech news from across the web that can be consumed anytime, anywhere. Complete with Podcast, YouTube channel, and Twitter feed.
Complete with a Fan Page, Twitter, and YouTube channel, I give people FREE and paid training on Facebook and Google+ Fan Pages.
This WordPress plugin allows you to create a custom “Call To Action” box on your site.
Now you know why I’m running around on so many projects, haha. ;P