Well, very simple. I went to a conference in March of 2006, and there met Ken Pierpont. It was at that conference I first heard about blogging and the power behind it. He also touched a bit on podcasting, which I had never heard before.…
All posts tagged Alex Bellinger
#27 Sponsored by GoToMyPC: Taxes, Alex Bellinger on PR, and a Review of GoToMyPC
Posted on Author Taylor MarekPosted in Business, Finances, General, Interviews, Podcasts, Technology2 Replies
This episode has been sponsored by GotoMyPC. Try GotoMyPC free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit http://www.gotomypc.com/podcast
In today’s episode you will learn more about Taxes and how you can pay less in taxes. We have another special guest on the show, Alex Bellinger, who will talk to us about Public Relations.…