#11: How to get the best buy part 1, An idea I learned from Lincoln, and Apples response to Zune

Back from vacation, episode #11 focuses on 7 of 15 ways to get the best buy, an idea learned from Lincoln on how to make friends, and what the CEO of Apple says about Zune.

Looking forward to any questions, comments, or ideas that you may have. The toll-free number is 1-866-867-2860. Also looking forward to any reviews.

As for toolbars, here are the links. For the TMP branded Alexa toolbar, go to http://download.alexa.com/?amzn_id=taylormarekpo-20. For the official Taylor Marek Podcast toolbar, go to http://taylormarekpodcast.media-toolbar.com/.

Sorry for the late announcement but….

I’m attending the International Podcasting Expo!