Woot! Second CLEP test is a wrap, and here is an episode before I run off to a weekend of camping!
Learning anything new? Is there something you would like to learn about? Let me know! Hope you are sharing what you learn with others!…
My Entrepreneurial Journey Into The World Of New Media
Woot! Second CLEP test is a wrap, and here is an episode before I run off to a weekend of camping!
Learning anything new? Is there something you would like to learn about? Let me know! Hope you are sharing what you learn with others!…
Which should I use? Which one is safer? Here are some tips for this Christmas season and in general…
A debit card is similar to a credit card. The only difference is that it is tied directly to your checking account instead of a credit line.…
This episode has been sponsored by GoDaddy. Get your piece of the Internet today and save 10% on your next order by using code POD11 or BLU11. http://www.godaddy.com
In today’s episode you will learn about how credit cards can eat you alive for Finances.…
This episode has been sponsored by GotoMyPC. Try GotoMyPC free for 30 days! For this special offer, visit http://www.gotomypc.com/podcast
Help Donate to the Taylor Marek College Fund. Go to: http://taylormarekpodcast.chipin.com/college to donate.
In today’s episode I will show you when to use credit cards for Finances.…