- Haha, my mind has been wandering all day. I think I’ll let it drift for a while….. #
- Ok, I’m going to try something new out at my site. This may or may not fit to my liking… #
- @gavinseim I agree, think they are poking around too much and preventing something innovative to happen. in reply to gavinseim #
- @smosh like the new site, can’t wait till all the bugs are worked out 😛 in reply to smosh #
- Now to make a twitter category for gmail, then I can see more clearly. twitter is filling up my inbox 😛 #
- Finally got a group going on tweetdeck! I’m happy! #
- @cstricklin np! 🙂 in reply to cstricklin #
- RT @openzap: @taylormarek got on http://openzap.com saying: I’m getting ready to take off for an awesome weekend!!! http://ff.im/1fTcj #
- @calilewis Still love the bloopers regardless, thx for making an episode of em! http://tinyurl.com/dkpl76 #
- @cstricklin here is your answer: http://tinyurl.com/5dvdzg #
- @brassblogs Glad to hear that!!! Gratz!!! 🙂 in reply to brassblogs #
- Taylor is getting ready to take off for an awesome weekend!!! http://ff.im/1fTcj #
- awana night http://ff.im/1fTck #
- Taylor is at work. http://ff.im/1fvsL #