- Taylor is still hobbling around from last nights FUN! http://ff.im/1ki5D #
- HAHAHHA, now that’s good @chrispirillo! http://bit.ly/6hB8O #
- RT @nealcampbell: Our president wants your money. Polls say 70% of you are happy about that. Weird. #
- hence why I don’t use ping.fm for updates, it bounces around too much. #
- taylormarek What I this http://Ping.fm thing? Its been a while since I’ve been here, what’s up people! http://ff.im/1k8Ms #
- Ha! even managed to squeeze a typo in! 😛 Oh well, that’s what you get typing on a phone… http://ff.im/1k8BI #
- Ha! even managed to squeeze a typo in! 😛 Oh well, that’s what you get typing on a phone… http://ff.im/1k8zN #
- Ha! even managed to squeeze a typo in! 😛 Oh well, that’s what you get typing on a phone… #
- What I this Ping.fm thing? Its been a while since I’ve been here, what’s up people! 🙂 http://ff.im/1k8uQ #
- What I this Ping.fm thing? Its been a while since I’ve been here, what’s up people! 🙂 http://ff.im/1k8uu #
- What I this Ping.fm thing? Its been a while since I’ve been here, what’s up people! 🙂 #
- Blech, hate busy days like today, can’t get anything done. Can’t wait till Sat! #
- @gavinseim oh yes, I remember that fun. Thats why I brought my phone! 😛 in reply to gavinseim #
- Today is Square Day!! I’ll show you an article when I get to my computer… #
- woot! Who knows what today is? @taylormarek me your answer! #
- Taylor is at home. http://ff.im/1jZ8K #
- Taylor is at work. http://ff.im/1jDb2 #
- RT @ggw_bach: the more you give, the more you get back. Doesn’t sound possible, but truly, the universe works this way. #
- @Sess thanks for the follow. Good luck on that degree! #
- @meteorit thanks for the follow. Love the design work on your twitter page and website! #
- @computerhilfe thanks for the follow. Love the content you have out there, if only I could read it! 😛 *gotta love a translator :)* #
- @JayOatway thanks for the follow. Love the website design! #
- @IgorFomichev thanks for the follow. Website sounds interesting… #
- @jjbuss thanks for the follow. Your logo caught my eye right off the bat. I like it! #
- @designriffs thanks for the follow. Your tweets look interesting, I’ll keep an eye out for anything that looks interesting. #
- @TrumpUniversity thanks for the follow. I’m looking forward to those updates, enjoy every one I get 🙂 #
- @dapsiua5 thanks for the follow. How are you liking it on this end as compared to your writing/real estate/etc. career? #
- @rrutter thanks for the follow. Looking forward to those tweets! #
- @the_poptimist thanks for the follow. Huh, why did no one show me that video about that weatherman before, he’s my weather guy! 😛 #
- Ha! I think I should just set aside one day and do nothing but welcome new followers. What does everyone think? I’m kind of liking the idea. #
- @itsliz thanks for the follow. Looking forward to new content at your website, keep up the good work 🙂 #
- Ok, who forgot to tell me @AndyJenkins is on twitter!? *Follow* Looking forward to your tweets sir. #
- @iPodiums thanks for the follow. Your twitter page graphic caught my eye right off the bat, well done there. #
- @oliver_turner thanks for the follow. I’ll be hanging around your website, looks like some good content going on over there… #
- @Sunshine808 thanks for the follow. Looks like I have another photographer following me, looking forward to your pics! #
- @McBookPro thanks for the follow. Looking forward to your tweets! #
- @RobMcNealy thanks for the follow. Love the twitter gangster video you made, twas very entertaining #
- @loudmouthman yup, but I gotta say I love catching your tweets in reply to loudmouthman #
- @tmaduri thanks for the follow. Very cool website layout imo, it caught my eye. #
- @ggw_bach thanks for the follow. Looking forward to your music 🙂 #
- @loudmouthman aahhh! You scared me! in reply to loudmouthman #
- @icerocket thanks for the follow. I like that search engine you have going on over there 🙂 #
- “Are you sure you want to delete this message?” Nah, figured I’d hit the trash button to see what it would do… 😛 #
- Blech! DM SPAM! Get it off me!! #
- @secret2fatloss thanks for the follow. Your website is well done, short and to the point. #
- Welcoming new followers while listening to some good music, can’t get any better then this 🙂 #
- @naldzgraphics thanks for the follow. I like that graphic you have on your twitter page #
- @Joshlam thanks for the follow. Glad to see another teen in the ranks, albeit I’ll be a twenty-something in a matter of months… #
- @microgeist thanks for the follow. I like the layout you have on your twitter page! #
- @gregskidmore thanks for the follow. Looks like you are on radio too, keep up the awesome work there 🙂 #
- @christianfea thanks for the follow. I like the theme on your website, it looks very familiar 😉 #
- Ooo, I just got invited by Junior Achievement to attend the Wisconsin Business Hall of Fame! I’ll have to mark that on my calendar 🙂 #
- Wow, I made a piece of flair on facebook the other day, its getting pretty popular 🙂 #
- Back in the hotseat, which is not that hot btw, and catching up on a couple things. Lets que the music! 🙂 #
- @ThePodgineer I need to work out the bugs on my end before you get more to play with 😛 in reply to ThePodgineer #
- Taylor is back home. Boy was Lazertag fun!! http://ff.im/1j3Yr #