In Episode #88 you will learn about the current economic situation, as well as give you some homework. In Business I speak about why most businesses fail and how it is linked sometimes to hearing the dreaded “No”. In Technology I speak about the newly discovered flaw in Feedburner. Another hack to add to the archives I would say…

For Your Homework, head on out to #28: Taylor Marek Podcast #85

The articles used in today’s show can be found at:

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas about anything mentioned during the show, or to give your two-cents on a topic, call our toll-free line at 1-866-TMP-2860.

#88: Current Economic Conditions, Why Most Businesses Fail, and Feedburner Hacked!

In Episode #88 you will learn about the current economic situation, as well as give you some homework. In Business I speak about why most businesses fail and how it is linked sometimes to hearing the dreaded “No”. In Technology I speak about the newly discovered flaw in Feedburner. Another hack to add to the archives I would say…

For Your Homework, head on out to #28: Taylor Marek Podcast #85

The articles used in today’s show can be found at:

If you have any questions, comments, or ideas about anything mentioned during the show, or to give your two-cents on a topic, call our toll-free line at 1-866-TMP-2860.