Guest Post Tuesday!

If you’ve ever wondered if I allow guest posting, the answer is yes! Even though this is “” and is mainly comprised of my thoughts, I absolutely LOVE to listen and read from somebody else, and I’m sure you do to.

That is why I am opening up every Tuesday on my blog for a guest post! If you’ve been wanting to write something, now is the perfect time. 🙂

What You Need To Do

A. Select A Topic

  1. Personal Finances
  2. Small Business
  3. Technology/Tech News/Reviews
  4. Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.)
  5. New Media (Blogging, Podcasting, Online Video, YouTube, etc.)

B. Write Your Guest Post (300-500 words, you can include links)

C. Write A Short Bio (e.g., Taylor is a New Media Visionary on a journey to change the world.)

D. Contact Me and paste your guest post in the message box.

That’s It! I will reply to let you know when you can expect your post to be published on my blog and will even give you a link to it! 🙂

Any questions? Let me know. Otherwise, have fun guest posting! 🙂