Twitter is Dead

Yes, and I have to say it. Twitter is dead.

I could make the same comparisons about Facebook, but for the sake of this post, I’m sticking with Twitter.

It has been my experience that as soon as something, anything, hits mainstream and is “talked up” all the time in the media means it is on the verge of dying out.…

Top result in!

This is fascinating to me. After I had updated (roughly 6 days ago) all the links and other backend things on my website, I browse over to see my website stats. I found someone came from, and that was the exact day…

New Google Tool

Hey all,

I originally wanted to post this early this month, but with my blog crashing and everything, never had a  chance to. Now I can, so here it is.

Ever wanted to see if you were getting what you paid for when it came to your ISP?…

IE8 Coming to a PC near you

For those who like to know what is happening in the tech world, here is your little tidbit of news…

Most of us remember the days of Internet Explorer 6 (IE6). Some of us might still be using it. Some of us brave types moved to IE7 because of the “gadgets” Microsoft had added to it.…