How Geese are like Market Leaders

Did you ever think about this application to the Business World?

Geese fly in the classic v-shape formation, each leading one at a time, giving the leader time to rest as they fly south for the winter. Notice here that no one goose leads for the entire length, he’d be DEAD before they reached the destination! Nor do two of them duke it out for first place, it would waste too much energy.

Nope, they do it the most efficient way possible. Each goose leads for a time, then falls back to let another lead while he rests to wait his turn again. That way, they get to the destination that much faster and farther than possible by one or two geese.

Every single business in every industry works the exact same way. As a matter of fact, so do nations. Hint: I’ve been studying Western Civilization I for the past three weeks and it has been interesting to watch each nation rise to power, take the stage for a time, then fall back and give it to another nation.

Where are you in the formation? Comment below.


  1. Interesting thought about the way Geese work together to achieve a common goal. However nations do not really do that even though they may act like it. Each nation has ulterior motives, wants, needs, and things they will not give up even if it would help an ally. The same goes for business. I do not think you would see Steve Jobs give Mike Dell assistance to lead the way for a while even if it meant that Dell would pull Apple along for the ride. Take AT&T, Apple, and Verizon for example. Even though AT&T is good and Apple is their partner on the phone front, there will come a time when Apple will partner with another carrier, perhaps Verizon, to carry the latest iPhone or iWhatever.

    For Geese, it is literally a life or death effort to work with one another on the migration effort. Unfortunately, humans are not as smart as animals. That is why they don't text and drive and then kill one another. πŸ™‚

    1. Yup. Well said Norbert. Interestingly enough though, if businesses can find a way to work together and still satisfy their individual needs, they will find the market even better educated and possibly show even more rabid loyalty to them.

  2. Good observation Taylor. Aerodynamics plays a part in it also. I read somewhere that it was measured in a wind tunnel what happens when geese fly in a “V” formation. When a goose flaps his wings he creates an upward lift for the following bird. When all the geese work together like this the entire flock has over 70% greater flying range than if one bird flew alone. They all depend on each other to reach their destination and they each take a turn at being the lead bird. The strong birds encourage the weak with their incessant honking.
    Also, if a goose becomes ill or exhausted, a stronger bird drops out of flight with it, and, together, they find a resting place. The strong one stands patiently by, guarding, until the weak one once again gains strength to fly.
    For these birds “V,” definately stands for “victory.”

    1. Hey Lou, thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. It means alot. πŸ˜‰

      Good point. They know they will attain victory no matter the cost, as long as they work together covering their weakness and bolstering their strength.

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