This is the first time I’m taking an official poll on this site because I want to hear your input. After you provide your input, I’ll give you my side of it.
Think of it as an Oreo. Your opinion is half of the Oreo, mine is the other half.…
My Entrepreneurial Journey Into The World Of New Media
This is the first time I’m taking an official poll on this site because I want to hear your input. After you provide your input, I’ll give you my side of it.
Think of it as an Oreo. Your opinion is half of the Oreo, mine is the other half.…
As I am writing this, I am currently home from college on spring break. As my college blocks every video site except Facebook videos, I had to catch up on the videos I missed while I was away for three months.…
Anyone noticing the shift here?…
It used to be completely different. Business in the 1900’s was all about how many levels we could advertise our product/service on. The internet has completely changed the game, as well as the rapid change in technology.…
In Episode #90 you will learn whether you can stop working and still get paid for Finances. For Business, you will learn the impact a negative image can have on your company. And for Technology, you will learn about a growing industry where people buy websites, fix them up, and then turn them around and sell them for a good passive income.…
This episode has been sponsored by GoDaddy. Get your piece of the Internet today and save 10% on your next order by using code POD11 or BLU11.
In today’s episode you will learn about how credit cards can eat you alive for Finances.…
This episode has been sponsored by GoDaddy. Get your piece of the Internet today and save 10% on your next order by using code POD11 or BLU11.
Special Announcement: Today is my Golden Birthday!
In today’s episode you will figure out how fast you want your money in Finances.…