Need Social Media Coaching?

Something has been on my mind for the past several years now. It is in regards to showing you how to take advantage of the tools available to us today. I know I haven’t spoken much on it, and I know a small handful of you are following me like a dog to learn from me. I apologize I haven’t been able to provide this sooner, I guess I needed to be bitten on the rear end to actually put this idea into action!

Note: If you want access to the vault where this coaching is stored, here is the link:

Now I’m not going to go around like other spammy websites in the blogosphere recommending you to buy this product of mine (pretend I’m waving something around), join an e-mail list (I only provide you with blog post updates and secret tidbits when something is new on my site), or *insert internet scam here*. I know waay too many people in my space that bounce around too much, and are losing my trust little by little.

When I was a Child…

From early childhood on, I’ve been fascinated with technology. Can’t tell you exactly why (my dad was a “car guy”), but I always loved looking into how some gadget worked, rip it apart, then put it back together. You can ask my mother for the details on things I smashed, ripped, pulled apart, or explained how such a piece worked if you’re interested. I always thought scientists were the coolest guys in the world, and they still are, and how you could specialize down to a niche so small only a handful people knew of it.  But that niche was so vibrant the world would hear about this awesome new technology that’s discovered sooner or later, and then flocks of people would come in to see what its all about and be wrapped inside the amazement of the discovery. At that point in time I wanted to be either the President of the United States, or some scientist in a tiny vibrant field of research. That defined me up until my teenage years. What happened then? Well, in a nutshell some of my schoolwork came to a screeching halt when I stumbled upon the internet. I guess the DNA for geek was already in me, as I stayed on the computer for hours tapping countless nodes of information. I lived a block and a half from a library, and soon every book on HTML, JavaScript, BASIC, and anything even related to computers was checked out and read countless times. I absorbed HTML through osmosis, and soon was hard-coding webpages on my computer when the dial-up was offline. This world was fascinating to me, as it was new, so I wanted to learn everything about it.

What does this have to do with Social Media?

Well, hang on, you’ll find out… Everything changed in my world three years ago when I first learned about blogging, podcasting, vlogging, and something called, “New Media”. I looked into it and knew in a heartbeat that THIS is where I wanted to stake my flag. This held a small community of vibrant people that quite literally can shake the world upside down and rightside up again. I didn’t dip my feet in, I LEAPT in! I was in the trenches learning everything I could, talking to everyone I could, and engaging with people on a level unheard of in today’s world! I got pretty cozy in this space, until something started creeping into my head. There was something missing. I couldn’t place my finger on it, but I knew deep in my heart that an integral piece of the puzzle had been left out. For months I kept turning up empty and frustrated. Then I attended New Media Expo 2008. Here, I found the missing puzzle piece. What was it? SOCIAL MEDIA!

What about Social Media?

Lets just say that its the engine to a car named “New Media” shall we? It fits pretty well. At last I found the missing part and threw it into action. Let me just say that flooring the gas pedal and pealing down the street was the best feeling in the world at that point. Something exploded, and not long after people started noticing something had changed in the way I had done things, so they started asking questions. I’d help them out, then watch their eyes pop as they went speeding off down the road as well.

Why am I saying all this?

Because I want to help you. I want to bring you into this vibrant community and open your eyes. I want to see you speed off down the road with an ecstatic look of glee your face. I’m finally putting the plan in motion and I want to see you hop aboard with me. I am going to be teaching a course on Social Media over the next few months, and I want you to be a part of it. There is no cost to attend, it is all free training. You are welcome to bring as many friends to the party as you can, I have more than plenty of food for all. Here is the breakdown:

Note: All of these sessions are now over and are in my vault. If you want access to the vault, here is the link:

  • November 4, 2009 @ 6pm CST: Teleseminar on “Social Media 101”. I’ll cover the basics and get you to start drooling over the potential this platform provides to you.
  • November 11, 2009 @ 6pm CST: Teleseminar on “Twitter”. I’ll cover all the basics of twitter and bring you up to speed with this vital tool.
  • November 18, 2009 @ 6pm CST: Teleseminar on “Facebook”. Facebook has changed the way we interact, I’ll bring you up to speed with this tool as well.
  • November 25, 2009 @ 6pm CST: Teleseminar on “LinkedIn”. A little known tool that will do wonders if you know how to use it.

Anything in particular you notice that is missing? Have a question? Leave it in the comments below, and I’ll respond back to you. How can I take advantage of this coaching? This is my first offering to the public, so you can bet I’m a tad freaked out (heh, that word doesn’t even do justice to what I feel) by what I’m doing. My mind is yelling at me right now saying that I’m out of my mind, but I’m overcoming this obstacle to provide you with something of value. I’m not going anywhere, I plan on staying here for the long term.