How many times have you done this? How many times have you done this unconsciously and not even realized it? Did you know you may be programmed to do this?
It could be a good thing at times, and it could be a bad thing at times.…
My Entrepreneurial Journey Into The World Of New Media
How many times have you done this? How many times have you done this unconsciously and not even realized it? Did you know you may be programmed to do this?
It could be a good thing at times, and it could be a bad thing at times.…
Why am I doing all this? Why do I have this blog, this website, this company? Well, let me just tell you straight out…
I’m Not Doing This For You.
I don’t take freeloaders. I don’t take passive people who sit on the sidelines.…
After one month of collecting data and testing a couple options, I’ve come to several conclusions. Before I tell you, let me show you a couple pictures…
Don’t let the website design companies fool you, because they can hold your domain hostage from you. Your domain should be owned by you and nobody else.
I’ve seen it happen in the past. I’ve seen it happen to me. I’ve seen it happen to friends.…
If you’ve ever wondered if I allow guest posting, the answer is yes! Even though this is “” and is mainly comprised of my thoughts, I absolutely LOVE to listen and read from somebody else, and I’m sure you do to.…
I have some awesome news for everyone.
The reason I’ve been quiet over the past couple days, other than taking a break to be offline with friends and family, was because I was in communication with the Social Media Informer.…
Ok, I am about to embark on my first ever pillar article series. I’m super excited to be doing this and super excited to be helping you guys! 😀
I need your questions! I’ve you’ve been holding back, now is the time to ask questions.…
About a year back Copyblogger wrote a post on Since When Are Blogs Not Social Media?
Here is my response to that post. I figured this idea needed to be refreshed because I think people are forgetting something about social media and blogging.…
Think about it this way. What was the most game-changing thing ever made, other than the internet? The wheel right? All part of the leverage thing right? Correct. What was before the wheel? No idea, but it probably required lots of pushing and manual labor.…
This thought just hit me out of the clear blue sky. Actually, it was in the middle of the night so the sky is dark, but before we diverge down another rabbit trail…
Do you really, truly know your destiny? I mean, do you actually know it or are you just guessing at it?…