Is Facebook old fashioned or advanced technology? Watch this video to find out.…
All posts tagged Marketing
#108: Its all about Mindset, Stop wasting Marketing dollars, and’s Last Show
2 weeks already?! Wow, time flies.
Finances: Its all about Mindset
Some Takeaway Notes…
What can I leverage?
Scarcity vs. Abundance
Business: Stop wasting Marketing dollars
Some Takeaway Notes…
Which works better, shotgun or rifle?
The traditional way of marketing is broken.…
How I Learned Everything I Needed To Know About Sales From A Vending Machine
A boy, not much older than 14 was walking down the street one afternoon. School was over, and his mind was formulating ideas on how to make money for his next big goal; his very own Nintendo Wii. He decided to sell lemonade that day, so on his way home he stopped by a grocery store and picked up some supplies.…
How to get “Custom Customers”
As I am writing this, I am currently home from college on spring break. As my college blocks every video site except Facebook videos, I had to catch up on the videos I missed while I was away for three months.…
#106: Jordan Cooper of Not A Pro Blog Rants on Blogging, Social Media, and Marketing
Today I interviewed Jordan Cooper of
If you are wondering, we will be moving back to our regular schedule soon and I may be mixing the podcast episodes up! (Thinking of having a monthly episode dedicated to interviewing one person similar to this episode)
If you want one-liners, Jordan is stuffed full of them.…
Multi-Level Marketing Not Multi-Level Advertising
Anyone noticing the shift here?…
It used to be completely different. Business in the 1900’s was all about how many levels we could advertise our product/service on. The internet has completely changed the game, as well as the rapid change in technology.…
The Parable of the Businessman
I ran across this story (Mark 4:1-20 if you’re wondering), and it bears repeating. My life story seems to echo this parable above all others, my name defines it.
It goes as follows:
There once was a businessman, who, after he had created a product to solve an urgent need, set out to market.…
#103: Maximize Income, Don’t be like your Competition, and FCC on Net Neutrality
Woot! Passed my first CLEP test and excited to release another episode! 😀
Sponsored by GoToMeeting, try it FREE for 30 days:
End of the week episode, but that is because I was studying like crazy to pass my first CLEP test.…
#87 Sponsored by GoDaddy: Economic Stimulus Checks, Lead the Pack, and New Media Expo 2008
This episode has been sponsored by GoDaddy. Get your piece of the Internet today and save 10% on your next order by using code POD11 or BLU11.
In today’s episode you will learn about the Economic Stimulus checks, and why I don’t think they will work.…
#85 Sponsored by GoDaddy: How Fast do you want your money, The Best Advertisement, Intel Quad-core and Plasma TV’s
This episode has been sponsored by GoDaddy. Get your piece of the Internet today and save 10% on your next order by using code POD11 or BLU11.
Special Announcement: Today is my Golden Birthday!
In today’s episode you will figure out how fast you want your money in Finances.…