Today’s Test Post

Hey guys,

This is a test post to see if twitterfeed will actually update my facebook fan page or not. If this works, it will cut down on the amount of work I need to do and automate another task.

I am also thinking of doing a Heads-Up-Monday post for future articles.…

#106: Jordan Cooper of Not A Pro Blog Rants on Blogging, Social Media, and Marketing

Today I interviewed Jordan Cooper of

If you are wondering, we will be moving back to our regular schedule soon and I may be mixing the podcast episodes up! (Thinking of having a monthly episode dedicated to interviewing one person similar to this episode)

If you want one-liners, Jordan is stuffed full of them.…

Define: TIOTG

This is my first attempt at defining an acronym of my own. I think I’ll get a kick out of this looking back on it.

TIOTG : An acronym meaning “Throw it on the ground”. Typically an internet slang/chat term used to show disgust at something.…