Think about it this way. What was the most game-changing thing ever made, other than the internet? The wheel right? All part of the leverage thing right? Correct. What was before the wheel? No idea, but it probably required lots of pushing and manual labor.…
All posts in Social Media
Do You Really Know Your Destiny?
This thought just hit me out of the clear blue sky. Actually, it was in the middle of the night so the sky is dark, but before we diverge down another rabbit trail…
Do you really, truly know your destiny? I mean, do you actually know it or are you just guessing at it?…
The Difference Between Rockstars And Masters
Do you truly know the difference between a rockstar and a master? What are you shooting for? What are you aspiring to become? Do you want to become a legend for future generation or a “flash in the pan” for this generation?…
Break Your Comfort Zone
One thing I’ve realized by being here in Taiwan is I am completely out of my comfort zone. By at least 7300 miles!
If you don’t already know, I am going to be in Taiwan for the next 11 months. I am there in association with the Taiwan government, HTC, and IBLP teaching English in the public schools.…
Is The Thank You Economy A Myth? A Letter to @garyvee
I’ve been mulling over this question for a while in my head. It all started when I sent Gary Vaynerchuk this tweet:
It prompted this response from him later in the day:
This is the reply I sent back to him and am awaiting a response:
I am genuinely interested in getting to the bottom of this question.…
Social Media Cheat Sheet
Have you ever wanted a cheat sheet when it comes to utilizing Social Media for your business? Just a simple, step-by-step action plan on exactly what you need to do? You can get it for a limited time only when you join my Social Media Inner Circle.…
#107 Stop Spending Money, Promotion Techniques from the 2010 FIFA World Cup, and The IPad
In the Basement Edition!
No more dorm rooms for me, I’m heading to Taiwan in August!
Enjoy this episode, feel free to leave comments!
Links Mentioned:
Finances: Stop Spending Money!
Here are a couple tips:
1. Stop Buying Junk.…
How Do YOU Define A Successful Social Media Campaign?
This is the first time I’m taking an official poll on this site because I want to hear your input. After you provide your input, I’ll give you my side of it.
Think of it as an Oreo. Your opinion is half of the Oreo, mine is the other half.…
How TV Shows can make it big Online
Just thought I would send out a quick post as I had this on my mind.
I was driving in my car running some errands when a radio ad came on. It was talking about Netflix and how they now offer the option to not only watch your favorite movies online or via mail, but that you can now watch your favorite tv shows as well.…
I was bought by Mashable!
Hey guys!
I have some awesome news today! I am now able to announce that has bought my site!
What does this mean?
Well, according to an email Mashable sent me,
…“You get to run your website/blog/podcast like normal, we’re not fooling with that brand stuff.