“It was a dark and stormy night. The wind was whipping the trees into a frenzy of leaves and branches which crashed into the side of the building I was staying in. My mind was screaming for it to be over, but I knew it hadn’t even started.…
All posts in Social Media
Can you Run your Business with only an IPad?
That is the question my mentor, Paul Colligan, posed to us recently over Twitter:
Can I run my business for 30 days with nothing but an IPad?
What do you think? Can Paul do it?
I am personally interested in this challenge.…
#106: Jordan Cooper of Not A Pro Blog Rants on Blogging, Social Media, and Marketing
Today I interviewed Jordan Cooper of NotAProBlog.com
If you are wondering, we will be moving back to our regular schedule soon and I may be mixing the podcast episodes up! (Thinking of having a monthly episode dedicated to interviewing one person similar to this episode)
If you want one-liners, Jordan is stuffed full of them.…
Building a Personal Brand vs. an Iconic Brand
You are in the midst of setting up your brand, do you setup an iconic brand or a personal brand? Do you want people to remember you for something you stand for, or remember your brand for something bigger?…
Multi-Level Marketing Not Multi-Level Advertising
Anyone noticing the shift here?…
It used to be completely different. Business in the 1900’s was all about how many levels we could advertise our product/service on. The internet has completely changed the game, as well as the rapid change in technology.…
The Apple iPad. Greatest thing since iSlicedBread?
How Geese are like Market Leaders
Did you ever think about this application to the Business World?
Geese fly in the classic v-shape formation, each leading one at a time, giving the leader time to rest as they fly south for the winter. Notice here that no one goose leads for the entire length, he’d be DEAD before they reached the destination!…
Define: TIOTG
This is my first attempt at defining an acronym of my own. I think I’ll get a kick out of this looking back on it.
TIOTG : An acronym meaning “Throw it on the ground”. Typically an internet slang/chat term used to show disgust at something.…
My 2010 Resolutions
#105: A Chat With Nathan Hangen
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Today we have a chat with Nathan Hangen. Be sure to take notes for this one!
I was originally impressed by the post he wrote called “How to be like Batman“, the interview came out of that.…